Listener Questions

Episode 6: Listener Questions

Show notes

Hey L&E listeners, it's Addy here with my cohost Esther! In this episode, we tackle some of your most burning Q’s. Food, fashion, and architecture fads, mid-pandemic blues, our take on tech advances, you name it - we’re down to talk about it. We delve into the impact of social media on mental health, the future of AI, Gen Z trends, and even our thoughts on mid-century modern furniture. We also have an extra special segment where Esther’s younger sister and her friends call in with their own question! Hope ya like the episode, we had so much fun making it. Keep the questions coming, we wanna answer more! DM us on IG at @lazyandentitledpod, or email us at XOXO, Addy and Esther.

Produced by Addy, Esther, Matty Rosenberg, and Jennifer Hammoud @ Radio Free Rhinecliff

We wanna hear from you!! Phone (845) 307-7446‬

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